Benefits of Avocado

By Landon Martinez

More likely, it will not be eaten unless there is no more competition. This fruit-vegetable is not getting the kind of attention it's supposed to get because it is given less attention even in schools.Anyone who would not take this as a matter of fact only needs to understand its health benefits to appreciate the reason why it is special. This super fruit is actually a complete and balanced meal by itself because it contains about fourteen vital nutrients. These vital nutrients are: potassium and sodium for many metabolic processes; Vitamins C and E which are anti-oxidants; iron and copper for healthy blood; Vitamin B complex especially folic acid; lots of good fats and fibers and many more.

When claims are made with regards the avocado being one of the most favorite tropical fruit, it comes with the knowledge of avocado nutrition and its versatility as a fruit and vegetable. Eating avocados can increase basal metabolism thus leading to faster burning of fats and losing weight.

Having about 75% of the calories coming from fats which are mostly good monounsaturated types makes it rank second only to olives. There is a high content of soluble fiber in avocados too. The combination makes it have low hypoglycemic index load ideal for diabetics.Cancer shield. Among the many benefits of avocado are protection from breast, prostate and oral cancers. Avocados are said to be good for preventing breast cancer due to the presence of oleic acid similar to olives. There are also complexes in avocados that are capable of seeking and killing pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in the oral cavity.

Noteworthy are the electrolytes, the potassium and sodium, that are about three times over that of banana, which are important in muscle and nerve functions too. This super fruit contains a kind of carotenoid known as lutein that are known to effectively prevent cataract and macular degeneration, to aging related eye degenerating ailments.

The super fruit can also knock down pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties that can be linked to polyphenol and flavonoid phytonutrients; improve the absorption of certain essential nutrients like lycopene and beta carotene among others; beat or treat halitosis or bad breath.

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